What Does Your Order Status Mean?
Order Status
On Hold - Awaiting Processing.
Pick - Awaiting Processing.
Uncommitted - Uncommitted means we have received your order but we have received correspondence from the customer with an issue. The order has been put on hold till resolved.
New - New means we have manually processed your order successfully. The order is awaiting dispatch or backorder.
New Backorder - Custom item is in the process of being ordered, but not yet complete.
Backorder Approved - Item/s in order is custom made or out of stock. Order with supplier has been placed.
Pending Pickup - Order is being dispatched directly from manufacturer (tracking number not received yet)/Pickup from warehouse.
Pending Dispatch - Order has been partially dispatched. Awaiting complete dispatch.
Pack - Order is currently being processed, being packed and prepared for dispatch.
Dispatched - Order has been dispatched.
Cancelled - Order has been cancelled.
You can track your order by clicking My Account.